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AIM Programs

Ready to start your training?

"The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now."

  • I was one of the participants who had the privilege of attending the 'TRAIN THE TRAINER (PMSB CERTIFIED TRAINER)' programme organized by Pembangunan Sumber Manuasia Berhad (HDRF) Kementerian Sumber Manusia
    P Iruthayaraj A/L D Pappusamy
    Special Functions Adviser to the Executive Director of MEF
  • We worked with AIM's team for AmMetLife Takaful Berhad Change Management Program in 2017. They helped the team go through the Change Management journey by introducing a proper structured Change Management process. They also helped in implementing new strategies, goals, values, mission and providing a structured monitoring and tracking tool.
    Noor Azam Mohd Yusof
    Chief Executive Officer, AmMetLife Takaful Berhad
  • Sesi ceramah pemikiran kreatif dan inovatif serta pemikiran kritikal telah melengkapkan keperluan pendekatan pemikiran holistik di kalangan pegawai CPK. Penyampaian secara bersahaja dengan contoh yang sangat relevan, disulami pengalaman praktikal tuan dalam budaya Jepun membuatkan pembelajaran lebih realistik dan meninggalkan kesan yang mendalam di jiwa pegawai.
    Tuan Haji Sohime Ahmad
    Timbalan Pengarah Kanan, Jabatan Perkhidmatan Awam
  • This program brings out true leadership from an individual. It provides an avenue for any individual to lead and build their confidence and achieve their career path.
    Andrew Santanam Dass
    Assistant VP, Sime Darby Berhad


To Ensure Effective Training Delivery

Here’s an intriguing story from our lead trainer, who shared how he incorporated the concept of a totem into his training delivery. Growing up in the United States brought his first encounter with a totem pole, sparking a lifelong fascination with totems. This concept found a deeper connection with the idea introduced in Christopher Nolan’s […]

Setting Meaningful Training Goals

During a recent discussion with several employers registered under HRD Corp, it was evident that some organisations still measure their training KPIs based on “the total training hours per employee. Back in 2005, under the “Public Sector Human Resource Training Policy” (PP 6/2005), government departments and agencies introduced a standard of “7 training days per […]

Simple Tips for Smooth Training Sessions

Here are some helpful tips to deliver training sessions more smoothly: 1. Avoid animating slide titles Avoid adding animations to slide titles to maintain a clear, seamless flow in your presentation. This minimizes distractions and keeps the focus on content. 2. If you get ‘stuck,’ just click “next”  If you follow tip no.1, you won’t […]