This course aims to enhance the ability of participants to evaluate the effectiveness of training (online & offline)
Learning Outcome
At the end of this programme, participants will be able to:
✓ Identify the aspects of a training programme to be evaluated
✓ Develop tools to evaluate training programmes
✓ Perform training evaluation
3 Days Training, 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
Target Participants
This course is designed for trainers, training managers, training executives, training officers, training coordinators, and training administrators, who want to enhance their ability to conduct basic Training Needs Analysis ( process and develop the Training Plan based on the findings identified during the TNA exercise.
Course Contents
Module 1: Introduction to Evaluation
- The benefits of evaluation on training
- The evaluation process in the training cycle
- Key evaluation concepts
- Aspects of training programme to be evaluated
- Evaluating Online Training
Module 2: Evaluation of Effectiveness
- Evaluation methods
- Tools for various evaluation methods
- Evaluation process at various levels
- Data for Imporvements
- Training Records and Systems
This training programme involves a high amount of practical work Participants are encouraged to bring their own laptop and if available, actual reference documents (TNA report, training feedback forms, etc.) for immediate application of improvement areas.
Those required to perform training effectiveness evaluation functions such as HR Personnel, L&D Personnel, Trainers, Training Managers, Training Executives, Training Officers, Training Coordinators, and Training Administrators.